You need to be logged in to register for the competition. If you have a Competize account, sign in to register for the competition. Otherwise click the button Continue to create a new account.Continue
You need to be logged in to follow an event. If you have a Competize account, sign in to follow the competition. Otherwise click the button Continue to create a new account.ContinueYou need to be logged in to create a match. If you have a Competize account,sign in to create the match. Otherwise click the button Continue to create a new account.Continue
0 teams qualified per group, plus the best 2 1th Preliminary results only, qualified teams available in knockouts after all group phase matches Check the tie break criterion.
Group A
Group B
You need to amend the position of the next teams to can generate automatically the next round. Drag and drop the teams until they have the correct position before generating the next round